"Take the time to go down to the lake shore. Breathe in, close your eyes. Feel the air. Then take a minute to write down all of your blessings" Tiffany Fortna, Chicago IL
After a quick photo of my colorful cone and the transfer of the other cone to a very obliging ten-year-old, I started my trek to the lake.
It was a beautiful day! The sun was out, the humidity was low, and the cool breeze was saturated with the smell of flower blossoms. I breathed in deeply and scanned the scene around me. The neighborhood was alive with people taking advantage this rare and rainless day. I was charmed by several elated and over-stimulated dogs dragging their owners behind them. A few kids...and adults stole envious glances at my cone. The ice cream was already starting to melt, and my tongue was kept busy ensuring it didn't spill overboard.
Now, there are some food/flavor combinations that defy all rationale. French fries dipped in a Wendy's Frosty: one of the best combinations ever! Of course, there are a few who have disagreed with me, but I've met plenty more who share my Wendy's whim. Why does a fried potato taste good with chocolate dairy? I couldn't tell you. It just seems there are several flavors that for one reason or another are destined to form a long and lasting relationship.
Mint Chip and Tropical Ice do not fall into this category.
As my tongue skimmed over these polar opposites, it recoiled in confusion and disgust. Any positive qualities seemed to cancel each other out immediately. It became very clear to me that some flavors, like people, should never ever be more than friends. Still, I felt it was my duty to lick on. It occurred to me that all of my favorite flavors were on top and all I had to look forward to were the less-interesting, more vanilla (Pun intended) flavors.
As I pondered this sad realization, I passed a woman helping another woman in a wheelchair. I had already passed two other people in wheelchairs within the last couple blocks. I couldn't decide if this was unusual in my neighborhood, or if maybe I was just a little more aware today. I had found out the day before that my childhood friend had passed away after a long battle with Muscular Dystrophy. For a moment I turned inward. It hit me how many things I take for granted on a daily basis. I think that oftentimes we feel entitled to have things go our way. Case in point; my birthday. I was outraged that I had to walk in the rain on the day of my birth! It didn't occur to me to be grateful for the fact that I could walk, or that I had lived to my 31st birthday.
I need to constantly remind myself that life is a gift. All the other stuff that I feel I "deserve" is just the sprinkles on top. Even my ice cream cone, silly as it was, was a luxury.
I looked down. My "luxury" was now a non-appetizing grayish color, and tragically, we had achieved soggy-bottom status. Cone maintenance was now a full time job. Just a block from the lake, I quickened my pace a little.
I love being close to Lake Michigan. It grounds me. Being from the west, I often miss the mountains and outdoorsy things that used to be so accessible, like hiking and camping. I picked a grassy spot with a cluster of trees standing watch overhead. With one last mushy bite, the

cone was gone...thank goodness. After cleaning the sticky sweet off of my fingers, mouth, and a little off the tip of my nose, I closed my eyes.
The breeze brushed my face and combed through my hair. On my stomach I could feel the grass prick the tops of my feet and the earth's dampness latch onto my clothes. I felt rooted into the ground, and for a moment, apart of these creations so much older than I. I realized that it had been sometime since I had been out here. This free dose of serenity was 5 blocks from my house, and yet rarely did I find the time to fit it into my schedule. How many times do ruts like that prevent us from taking advantage of what's around us? We try the same flavors over and over again because we've found what we're most comfortable with. A new experience could disappoint, or require more effort than our daily humdrum.
That's why I chose Tiffany's suggestion as my first flavor. It's pretty much the point of this whole 31 Flavors idea. To continually take notice of life, to be grateful for all the opportunities life has to offer and to let fewer of them pass me by. When life seems gray and unappealing, to look closer and recognize the bitter and sweet that make up this adventure. Yes, some of those experiences will leave a bad taste in my mouth, but I could also fall in love with something I never expected. More and more I get the feeling that it's worth the risk.
Mint Chip and Tropical Ice; atrocious. But guess what? Mango and Chocolate; pretty amazing.
*I hope Tiffany doesn't mind if I tweak her suggestion a bit and choose to name a different blessing, each blog entry. Today, I am grateful I was able to be apart of Amy Wilde's life. She handled her burden with humor and grace, and through being her friend, I learned so much about compassion and courage. Though we lost touch over the years, I will miss her greatly.
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Kelsey - I think that it is great that you are going to try 31 new things before your birthday. Your marathon walk for Grandma Lois was moving. (is it too late to donate money in her name?)
I wish you lots of luck and look forward to reading all about it.
Kelsey-this is such a great challenge! I wish you the best of luck in completing your 31 flavors. You are an inspiration to many. :)
This is great. I love how colorful and vivid your rainy birthday story is. I propose we do something 31 related together. Nothing we have to write down, but I'm planting a seed....
Kels. This is wonderful. I think it's awesome that you're taking the time to actively work on the things that stir your soul...
Hello. Great job. I did not expect this on a Wednesday. This is a great story. Thanks!
Your blog is looking really sweet! good job. Props and Respect punches!
your blog is looking really sweet! props and respect punches!
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